Leisure Pool Closed This Weekend  

The leisure pool will be closed for maintenance on 29 and 30 March. Swim school lessons will be running as normal. We apologize for any inconvenience! 


Lap It Up Club

Join our Lap It Up Club to Swim the Oceans Seven at GEL and go into the draw to WIN!

What is the Lap It Up Club? 

The Lap It Up Club is Glen Eira Leisure's Oceans Seven swim challenge program. Both members and non-members are invited to join the club - it's free to join! 

Join the club to receive a Lap It Up Club passport which you can use to track your swims. When you complete the total distance of an Oceans Seven swim, you will go into the draw to WIN!

Lap It Up Club members will also receive an orange Lap It Up Club swim cap to easily spot each other in the pool!

Please note that normal entry fees apply when participating in Lap It Up Club activities.

What is the Oceans Seven challenge? 

The Oceans Seven is a swimming challenge that involves swimming across seven of the most challenging channels around the world. 

The seven swims typically included in the challenge are the Moloka'i Channel, the Catalina Channel, the North Channel, the Strait of Gibraltar, the English Channel, the Tsugaru Strait, and the Cook Strait.

The distance (in laps of the 50m outdoor pool at GESAC or Carnegie Memorial Swimming Pool) of each Oceans Seven swim is:

  • Moloka'i Channel: 840 laps (42 km)
  • Catalina Channel: 626 laps (32.3 km)
  • North Channel: 690 laps (34.5 km)
  • Strait of Gibraltar: 288 laps (14.4 km)
  • English Channel: 660 laps (33 km)
  • Tsugaru Strait: 390 laps (19.5 km)
  • Cook Strait: 450 laps (22.5 km)


What are the prizes?

Every time you swim the total distance of an Oceans Seven swim, you will earn an Eten Cafe coffee voucher and be entered into a draw to win one full month of FREE membership! 

Our membership prize draw will run quarterly and include every Lap It Up Club member who completed an Oceans Seven swim in the quarter. 

There will be one (1) prize draw at the end of each quarter of the competition term, each quarterly prize draw will take place on the following dates:
1) 1 July 2024
2) 1 October 2024
3) 2 January 2025
4) 1 April 2025

You can only redeem each Oceans Seven swim once. This means that after completing one of the Oceans Seven swims, you must swim the total distance of a different Oceans Seven Swim to earn a coffee card and enter the membership prize draw again.

Click here for full Terms and Conditions



Do I have to complete my laps at GEL facilities?

We strongly encourage you to complete your laps at GESAC or CMSP so you can connect with other members of the Lap It Up Club!

Do I have to complete my laps in a specific pool at GEL?

You can complete the laps in your preferred pool for lap swimming. There are instructions on page 4 of your Lap It Up Club passport for how to track your swims in the 25-metre pool or 50-metre pool.

Do I have to complete the Oceans Seven Swims in a certain order?

You can complete the Oceans Seven swims in any order.

What do I do when I complete the distance of one of the Oceans Seven Swims?

Talk to our team when you complete the distance of one of the Oceans Seven Swims. We’ll remove the matching Champion’s Ticket from page 28 of your Lap It Up Club passport and enter it into the draw to WIN!

When is the next Quarterly Prize Draw?

There will be one (1) prize draw at the end of each quarter of the competition term, each quarterly prize draw will take place on the following dates:
1 July 2024
1 October 2024
2 January 2025
1 April 2025
Follow our Instagram account for Lap It Up Club member achievements!

Do I need a staff member to sign off on my Progress Tracking?

We will review your Progress Tracking when you complete the distance of one of the Oceans Seven Swims. You don't need to get your Progress Tracking approved by staff as you go. 

Can I store my Lap It Up Club passport at GESAC reception?

Your passport is your responsibility and we cannot store it at reception. 

Got a question we haven't answered?

Contact our friendly Member Experience team by emailing memberships@geleisure.com.au or calling 9575 7100 and pressing 1.


How to Join: 

  1. Register below and receive an email with everything you need to know.
  2. Visit reception to pick up your welcome pack.
  3. Lap It Up in GESAC or CMSP pools and start tracking your swims. 
  4. Complete the distance of one of the Swims, get a free coffee card and enter the Quarterly Draw for a chance to win a free month of membership! 


Register now