Leisure Pool Closed This Weekend  

The leisure pool will be closed for maintenance on 29 and 30 March. Swim school lessons will be running as normal. We apologize for any inconvenience! 


Contact Us

Want to get in touch?

If you'd like to know more about our services, give us feedback, or need to resolve a dispute, there are a few ways you can get in contact.

Ask us a question

Want to know more about Glen Eira Leisure Centres?

Ask us by following the link below:

Ask your question


Leave feedback

We do our best to ensure we provide great facilities, service and programs. We'd love to know if you think we're meeting this standard - or if you think we can improve.

Let us know by following the link below:

Help us to improve our services

Let's get social

Like to be kept up-to-date with what's happening around Glen Eira Leisure facilities? Find us on Facebook and Instagram:

Visit the Glen Eira Leisure Facebook page

Follow our Instagram account

Dispute Resolution or claim for a credit

If you disagree with a decision or want to make a claim for a credit or refund, we can help.

Please complete the form, on behalf of a customer/your child (or yourself), to raise a dispute with management.

A request will be acknowledged within 1 business day.

Dispute resolution or claim for a credit form

Request CCTV footage

Request CCTV Footage from GEL

If your request relates to CCTV at Glen Eira Leisure sites, you can email cctv@geleisure.com.au.

If you are requesting footage on behalf of the police or other enforcement agencies, please include your rank, identification number and station.


Glen Eira City Council CCTV cameras

Glen Eira City Council operates CCTV systems at fixed locations throughout Glen Eira, on land and buildings that we own or control.

Why do we have CCTV cameras?

CCTV cameras help us manage our services, assets and facilities. We don't operate CCTV cameras for criminal law enforcement. If a law enforcement agency wants to install and operate a CCTV camera on our land, they need to contact us and seek our permission.

What do we do with footage and images?

We manage, use and store CCTV footage and images in accordance with our guidelines and policy, as well as laws including the:

  • Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic)
  • Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic)
  • Public Records Act 1973 (Vic)
  • Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic)

For more information, download our Closed Circuit Television policy (PDF, 97KB).

Request CCTV footage

We can only consider giving access to our CCTV footage when it relates to:

  • supporting the provision and management of our services, assets or facilities
  • assisting in an investigation by a law enforcement authority
  • any reason permitted under relevant privacy laws.

If you want access to our footage, please complete our CCTV request form (PDF, 104KB) and send it to:

Legal and Governance Officer
Corporate Counsel
Glen Eira City Council
PO Box 42
Caulfield South VIC 3162

You can also email the form to cctv@gleneira.vic.gov.au.

Join our lift access mailing list

We have a mailing list for members and guests who want to be updated if the lift at GESAC is out of order. 

You can choose to receive updates by email or SMS. Click here to join the mailing list.


Call, visit, or snail-mail us

Phone: 03 9575 7100

In person: GESAC 200 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East
View map

Caulfield Recreation Centre 6 Maple Street, Caulfield South

Postal address: PO Box 42, Caulfield South, VIC 3162

Carnegie Memorial Swimming Pool Koornang Park, Moira Ave, Carnegie

Email: info@geleisure.com.au