Aquatic Area Early Closure and Green Slide Closed 

Please note, on Sunday, 16 March the aquatic facilities will be closed to the public from 5:30pm to accommodate an event. Green slide is currently closed for maintenance until further notice.  Thank you for your understanding! 

Junior Futsal

Our Junior Futsal competitions run on Thursday nights at GESAC’s indoor stadium in Bentleigh East. We offer a junior futsal competition that suits a range of skill levels, from beginners to advanced players. The competition is suited for both boys and girls.

We have hit capacity! If you wish to join the wait list, please email

GEL Junior Futsal Season 24/25 will run on Thursday nights throughout term 4, 2024, and term 1, 2025, with a break over the festive season and throughout January 2025.

  • Thursday 10 October, 2024 to Thursday 3 April 2025.
  • A competition break will be from Friday 13 December to Wednesday 5 February.
  • GEL Junior Futsal Season 24/25 features a two-week finals series involving all teams!

Competition Information 24/25



Competition Dates

Thursday 10 October to Thursday 3 April 2025


17 matches + 2 weeks of Finals


10s & under, 12s, 14s, 16s


  • One competition for all team combinations: boys, girls or mixed. 

  • Multiple divisions to match abilities. 

Registration Status

Open: Thursday 15 August


Competition Fees

To claim the Early Bird Special, teams must register before Friday, 15 September!

Fees - Junior Futsal Season 24/25

Registration Fee

Match Fees

No Games

Upfront Fee






Please register your team before registering individual players. Once you have registered your team, you will receive a code which your players can use to register themselves. 

Don't have a team?

Register as an individual player and we will help you find a team!

Important Documents


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The personal information requested is required primarily for the provision of the service referred to on this form and will only be shared with those directly responsible for providing that service. If you do not provide the information, we may not be able to deliver the service. If you would like to know more about privacy at Glen Eira City Council, including your right to seek access to any information collected on this form, please visit our privacy page or contact Council's privacy officer on 9524 3333.