Swim Carnival Season:

There will be upcoming swimming carnivals at GESAC and CMSP. To plan your visits, please check our pool availability page here. During this time, lap lanes will always be available at the alternate centre, ensuring you can still enjoy your lap swimming.

Glen Eira Leisure

If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, upset or unsafe, you can use this form to discreetly report their behaviour to Glen Eira Leisure staff.

If this is a matter of urgency, please speak directly to a staff member.

Report Disrespectful Behaviour

Everyone in the GEL community deserves respect. 
Our RESPECT Guidelines

  • We will refrain from staring or leering, no matter how attractive that other person is or how fabulous their outfit is. “If you are admiring an outfit for more than 3 seconds, it could be making someone uncomfortable, so eyes down!”
  • We will only approach someone for a chat only if they have responded in an enthusiastic manner and are engaging in the conversation. “If someone is walking away as you speak to them, it is probably not enthusiasm they are showing!”
  • We will not make comments about other people’s physical appearance - compliments can be great, but we don’t need them at the gym, as they can make people feel uncomfortable.
  • We will respect those who are focused on their workouts and their gains. If someone puts their headphones back in, the conversation is over – please move on and keep training.
  • We will ensure personal hygiene is maintained and we’re all smelling like roses – or at least not like old socks.
  • Use your phone for playing your tunes and leave the selfies, Snapchat, Facetime for later - do not take photos or video of anyone in the gym.